What do 3.3 really needs…

i’ll tell you what it needs. 32-bit support.


audio tracks

What I would like to have in a next version is the equivalent of the clip to arrangement view on ableton live. I would like to be able to perform on a patterns (play with dsps, turn on and off channels etc.) and that performance to be written in tje pattern matrix as a series of patterns.

More sampler per-voice modulations.

I mean i want to use AM with lowpass filter on voice.


For the love of god can we please get a player position follow option for within the phrases section!!

Keybinding for change instrument in pattern selection. Like increase o decrease note.

Shortcut for Mix Paste.



Thank you, but it hide the volume column, i don’t know why.
I cleared the assigns but i can only Mix Paste with the advanced pattern editor…

my 2 cents (i will keep updating this)

~sort of containers for parallel processing (ableton live - fx rack alike) - but this can be solved by using more instrument macros (on the instrument part)
~audio splitters mid/side l/r
~more (more, more, more…) instrument macros
~mixer in the bottom lane (like guys already mentioned in this post)

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Native loop point ctrls. I want to automate loop points with lfo’s to mangle the shit out of shit. That is all. Thank you.


I hate to plug my own concerns here, but the mixer window seems to “take with it” the effect pane and there is no way to switch. I actually created a post about this but it has zero replies. Ha.

The default view has one on the left and the other on the right, yet when the mixer opens it switches the automation and the effect pane. I would like to see 3.3 resolve this issue.

Parallel doofers (multiband especially, but mid-side and L-R would be cool too), and VST3 support for all platforms… That would be so nice :smiley:

Some news about 3.3 would be nice, maybe a upcoming beta :smiley: Please @taktik tease us :slight_smile:

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Give this a shot: New Tool: RubberBand-Aid

Please, add velocity support for “note-off” event. It’s too important for some sample libraries.

Actually, for me Renoise basically is good how it is. i mean, stuff like actual side-chaining and blabla would be really nice… but i kinda see it as an extra feature personally. But at the end… I never used it since Renoise is the only DAW i actually use. One cant miss what they dont know (;

The only think i hope @taktik thinks about sooner or later, thinking about the other topic i was replying in today.

Wayland support, because this is gonna be the standard in all the main Linux distributions. Even Debian already ships it as default for Gnome 3. Also Mate Desktop which for a lot of people, Is the new standard started to support this in the beginning of this year. So it seems that its gonna quite fast at the moment. Also KDE supports it already. Well i could go on like this, but making lists doesn’t make sense. Fact is, its gonna be the new standard actually rather sooner then later (:

I can imagine somehow that its not a easiest task, but i’m not a programmer… so at the end I have no clue about that (;

In Sway, programming my patterns does not even work for instance. my keyboard does not react on renoise at all there. And as i3 user its the most logical compositer to go to i guess

There are some problems as described in the topic I was referring to before:

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An envelope meta device that combines key tracker, velocity tracker and a one shot LFO. I use key tracker and/or velocity tracker with a one shot LFO combo multiple times in every instrument and in a lot of track effects. That or the ability to take meta control outside of a doofer, so I can just drag in a single doofer full of meta devices to control a Hydra and it’ll “just work”

This would also make setting up sidechaining faster. This is what Renoise 3.3 needs.

I would love to see a really killer calculator tool. Like a scientific one, but with like music tools. The shift mode can give you all the musical notes of the chromatic scale, and you can build chords with calculator functions. And then there can be a hexadecimal mode, that can convert to miliseconds, so you have an exact idea of what FF is, or AC is, and you can make calculations like “0000AC + 1234FF.”

It can be in the FX box, and you can just drag it into your tracks below. It doesn’t have to process audio…

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Most lacking features I can think of are usability stuff, the rest is just fine:

  • Free edit cursor as an option to the center-locked one. Current behaviour forces me to readjust to the surroundings every time I move a line. For comparison, interface-wise trackers are practically text editors and this behaviour in a text editor would be as bad as it is in Renoise/FT2 (this is why IT wins FT in editing every day). edit: but yeah, personal preference…
  • Variable pattern lengths in arranger, iow the ability to mix say 64 lines with 16 lines to get quick flexibility in composing
  • Pattern editor background coloring in blocks (like 8 lines) in addition to single colored lines. edit: I think this would make it faster to get a glancing overview
  • Lines between patterns in pattern editor instead of massive color difference for continuous editing (like page changes - this would fit very well for text editor style cursor)

And sampler stuff:

  • Loop point automation (edit: even if it would sound glitchy)
  • Free running modulation and bpm synced modulation in sampler in addition to locked ones (current lfo restarts for every note-on)
  • Variable cutoff slopes for modulation filters
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I’m all for the sampler stuff, that’s for sure, especially the loop-point automation. @Achenar is REALLY close to it as is @Raul.

I’d like to know more about what you mean by the variable pattern lengths in the arranger - do you mean the patterns in a horizontal row, so one could make polyrhythmic patterns? Then yeah, that does makes sense. Otherwise, it’s very easy to make one row/pattern 64 steps and the row/pattern below it 16 steps. There IS a way to polyrhythmic patterns, read here: Phrases, Polyrhythm Example. What makes it effective is the “Glide” command (0GXX) or (GX). That’s the trick behind it, and it is very effective. Not only for long samples to just keep looping, but for patterns as well. That being said, it sure would be cool to be able to just do it right in the sequencer area. Make one track in the pattern 16 notes and the track right next to it 13 notes. Using phrases is the current way to do this.