What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

Would be nice to have the “Start recording on key press” option. Super useful especially if metronome is one

Thank you!

Jump Command.

I crave this feature.
Please forgive the repost.
I have sketched out the jump command to be as simple and highly applicable as possible.
In particular, if combined with the Yx command, it will be possible to control with probability whether or not the line itself is executed, which I believe will enable a variety of new performances with simple expressions.
Please consider this.

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A feature that would be great would be AUv3 support, then you could for instance have drambo and all the other cool Mac iOs apps as extra tools at your disposal.

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A true peak clipper would be useful to hard clip the signal at e.g. - 1dBFS.


Yes, and it would be great to have the master channel’s soft clipper available as an insert dsp, too


Frequency analysis in the EQ devices’ graphs, because having graphs without it is a bit pointless.


Being able to drag and drop a sample from the list in Renoise into a third party VST. After auditioning the sample inside Renoise browser, to get it into say like Quanta, I usually have right click and choose the “reveal in exporer” option which is a pain in the backside to be honest. Every other DAW i have ever used allows for such. PLEASE!!! make this happen.


Re stretch long samples. So when you record a long sample you can adjust the bpm later and have your long sample stretch with the rest of the track. Or is there a way to do this already?

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Copy and paste color for all color panels.

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Under the Sample Properties there is a Beatsync option and stretch mode selection. If you tell Renoise how many lines the sample takes it will adjust to BPM.

Hope that helps.

I still think that it would be super cool and inspiring, if Renoise (at least) instruments timing was near sample accurate. Then you even could draw your own compressor shape into the volume envelope, which is very nice for drums. Currently, especially the very fast timing is very imprecise and kind of random, depending on curve, bpm, lpb, etc. Imagine you could actually precisely design the drums transients.

Then a routing mode in the instrument’s fx section called “first track” (in time domain, not the first track in numbering :sweat_smile:), so each slot is handled like they were instruments each. So if lane #1 first appears on track 1, it will be routed there (until it would be played on another track). Because then, you simply could enable fx for a drumset, and still have “auto-routing” abilities, and do not have to explicitly route each sample and lane to a specific track.


This is a unique idea - I’m all for it. Heck, just the thought of being able to impart the compressed version of the “image” of a bass drum like that would be cool!

no i mean long samples. Like 2 minute long recordings of a 303 being tweaked or something like that.

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Along these lines, I’d love to have more advanced editing tools in the waveform editor. Direct, printable amplitude envelope editing with breakpoints and curves, upwards compression, percentage smoothing, sine, saw, square, and triangle draw tools, etc. Harmonic content detection and manipulation, too, ideally… There’s a lot that can be done on the waveform level that can powerfully impact the sound before we even get to the fx section. Would love to see these renoise strengths beefed up. Warp points, full native loop control, and automatable sample start offset, too.

Improvements to time stretching would also be welcome


@slujr Heck yeah!

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Just a tiny thing actually…
Would be nice to be able to read mp4 files in the linux release so i dont have to convert to mp3 or wav (-:

I would like for macro knobs to be centered when at a value of 50.0, instead of being off center left. This would be a great feature.



As Linux user I really would love to see drag and drop support of samples from file-browsers etc. added.