What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

Keybinds for FX parameters please :pleading_face:

I hope one day there will be a button that will rotate the Renoise interface 90 degrees like this:

That would be cool.


Still wishing for a ā€œMaster Tuneā€ like Reason has: Even made a post about it 4 years ago :smiley: Renoise Master Tuning


Yeah, that would be dope to be able to automate

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quick fix, just rotate monitor :slight_smile:


I see, thank you. Last night I set up a send track to a headphone only out. I will try mixing two tracks with one going to main and both going to headphones using the spacebar to sync the track thats only in my head. Almost like a real dj but with renoise.

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ā€¢Higher Beatsync length (1024)

ā€¢Routing plugins through the Instrument FX

ā€¦Native Synth with Granular Engine!!! :pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6:

Other than that eliminate all other requests from me lol. Tools can accomplish a lot from piano roll to pretty much anything I can think of

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Better usage of multicore CPUs is all I need.

Everything else is a bonus.

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I rotated my monitor, but I hear no changes in the master tuning.


itā€™s normal issue :wink:

The monitor needs to be rotated fast enough to match the frequency of the desired tuning.

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It would be nice to have the ability to copy samples from one instrument to another (easily). There are some hackarounds to this (e.g., navigate to the song in the browser>song>samples; open up two instances of Renoise), but it would be nice to be able to just copy/paste using the usual commands.

Also, rendering to sample always creates a lower volume result. y tho?

I said it before, I donā€™t think threads like this are very motivating for the dev(s).

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Why not? A user-driven development path seems like it would be a great asset to the devs for turning out updates with desirable feature sets. More updates = higher version number = quicker license renewals = profits and a better product.
It just doesnā€™t seem like renoise is much of a development priority, thoughā€¦ Taktik has been MIA for months now, yes?


Could be heā€™s working on the new sononym version also, but I donā€™t know. And I think he has a regular job.

Yeah, I donā€™t think this is a bad thing (unless people make it a bad thing). In all the years on/off with Renoise I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever posted before in this thread, but it seemed like the right place to be like "hey, this would be cool to have.ā€™

Iā€™m, like, also more that 100% happy with Renoise - and part of the reason I am is because this is clearly a passion project for the devs. They work on it when they can, and when they do add things, it only makes it better (without, generally, breaking a bunch of other shit). Often their updates take into account common requests and/or things that ā€œmake senseā€ - so I think it canā€™t hurt to (respectfully) talk about things weā€™d like.


What makes you think that?

From what Iā€™ve seen, people arenā€™t demanding things in this thread. Just making a wish list. If nothing else, it serves as a thermometer for what people in this thread, a vocal minority, Iā€™m sure, are interested in. Some of which might be relatively easy to implement. While other suggestions will never, ever happen. Regardless, it seems like a good thing to know. Even if it has no bearing on your development plans or timetable.


gentle bump for this. 10 cores enabled, i hit renoise with 72% cpu (on the edge of xrun crackle fest) activity monitor reports 17% :man_shrugging:


Iā€™d like to be able to reset LFOs from the automation editor

Yes, the LFOs could be improved. I would like to see the LFOā€™s amplitude not moving (after the destination was adjusted) until the LFO gets activated, and furthermore I would like to be able to start the amplitudeā€™s movement at a specific starting point. Otherwise it could be a pain in the ass to render the song until the sound thatā€™s influenced by the LFO sounds as desired. Once I had a song which I had to render at least 8 times until it sounded right.