What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

add option for more color line dividers in pattern editor. i’d love to have more divisions to work against. maybe stack them so top one overlay any below. for example:
Xth - every Y, color Z…
1st - every 16 color 1
2nd - every 8 color 2
3rd - every 4 color 3
4th - every 2 color 4


I don’t mind no audio waveforms if we just get a simple way to edit together multiple takes (of my bass guitar or synth or whatever) in the sample editor. Would be enough for me to never need another DAW again. :cowboy_hat_face:


I think using slices for that task is the way to go, at least that’s how I do it and works well imo. But would be way easier if we could also see the waveforms in the patterns, for example where the content of a slice actually ends… :stuck_out_tongue:

But hmm yeah the challenge I guess is low TPL settings… wouldn’t be enough room for waveforms in those cases probably.

Legato for the Phrases.
I see it has been requested multiple times the last decade.

To be clear: Legato enabled would mean that when playing notes without “note off” in between, the phrase keeps going on, but the following notes are played according to the new note. (The phrase isn’t retrigged.) A second switch should make it possible to either only modulate newly triggered notes in the phrase, or also send a new note (repeat last played note) whenever a new note is triggered in legato, so the note sounding will modulate immediately.
The last option is important in case a phrase is essentially a note trigger ornamentation ending in an empty loop, it enables playing new notes without triggering the ornamentation.

Splitting sections; you can join them so why not? Easiest way would be to create a split at a certain line I think, but I do not know much code…

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We can do that already :slight_smile:

Read the f*@%ing manual!

TLDR : command option K


Whoa! I should run through the whole manual again… But thank you…

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For sure. The irony of that post is that the split pattern command is not covered in the manual :upside_down_face:


I suppose pattern splitting is a bit too powerful to teach right off the bat

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This got me thinking a little and I made a very basic doofer trying to accomplish this effect. Not sure how successful it is, but I use the gainer gain and panning in addition to the stereo expander’s surround to give a little of the illusion of a sound moving in 3D space.
Have a listen and lmk if this gets any closer to the target. peace
Fly around v 1.xrdp (19.4 KB)

Cool I’ll check out this kitaro track when I get a chance and see if I can refine it a little. I also experimented with adding a reverb swell to simulate distance. Might be something to it :slight_smile:

This does sound better. I think it’s pretty close. Nice work! :+1:
reverb conveys a sense of depth, so, seems like it should be able to help contribute to the illusion if used judiciously

One year and one day latter.

I hoping for an important detail.
A name of current project in work area. Somewhere in top of frame.


Piano roll please. :crossed_fingers:


What’s the news NAMM 24 regarding Renoise? Really wish Renoise would join team again and do it more athletic way again. I can help, if you want, web pro stuff (also Drupal), xcode semi pro stuff, React pro stuff. Just leave me a message. Also, I am a quite good bug hunter… Use me, would be happy to contribute.

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I would love to see plugins integrated like the sampler. Basically loading plugins like samples with key mappings so we could load multiple plugins to Renoise instruments instead of just one while letting the audio signal flow through the sampler modulation and FX.

Versus the way it is now, one plugin per instrument and any added FX has to be done within the Track which imo is not as flexible as the sampler mod and fx


Something like - make any size of selection and then drag it to any side. Not selected piece of sample but selection.


MIDI 2.0 Please.


Would be great a pure Jack Midi implementation to get rid of all the alsa to midi things on Linux.

Make Keyboard’s ≣ Menu key summon Right Mouse Click menu. Like in general desktop or software environments.