Wishes for next releases

I would like to see a multi audio out from a generated drumkit in Renoise sampler. The thing is, when writing notes from one drumkit to several tracks {Kick - Snare - Hats - Perc ], sometimes the sound goes out Only through one of those channels where i typed the highest amount of notes [in my case it is hats or perc], especially when two notes are played at the same time. It really confuses me every time i use a drumkit on several patterns / channels.

Renoise already has this, you just have to put each sample on its own FX chain within the instrument, and then route each chain to the track of your choice. It doesn’t make sense to think about splitting a single chain across multiple tracks.

It doesn’t matter because i will have them pulled both ways to the output caused by the channel that produces the most amount of sound, even if your rout every sound to a channel of a 40th sounds drumkit inside the FX (effects) section. The Dominated sound will dag them to its own channel. I do not want my drumkits to be interrupted by the pattern that call the maximum amount of sounds, while having a general compressor on its FX out that i do not need to copy it 40 times with the same parameters to every sound. Btw, i have noticed the same issue when playing a chord from one instrument (sampler), by putting every note of it on a different pattern. It would be more creative to have that function inside the Sampler itself.

It sounds like you’re asking for the ability to route all your samples through a shared effect, then somehow split the samples back out post-effect. This doesn’t make sense from a DSP point of view. You can of course route the global compressor output to one track so that all of your drums go to the same place, or you can put the compressor in parallel by using sends, but otherwise you’re asking the impossible.

It’s only natural that Renoise does not allocate an entire new effect chain per-note (most synth VSTs don’t either). Renoise by default tries to route the effect chain to the current track, which of course will change with each note. So, you have the option to choose one track in the routing menu and put all your post-instrument effects there.

If you don’t use effect chains at all, there’s none of this “stealing” behavior because then Renoise can separate out samples without having to duplicate anyting besides the modulation chain (which is per-voice).

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I am working right now on an IDM track with 170 bpm and 8 LPS. The thing is, in the beginning i have routed everything as usual. Then i noticed that my percussion line " pattern" is “Eating” other channels sound, especially when it goes “Horny”. In the end i just split the drumkit into two drumkits : One with the easy sounds “Kick snare clap …etc” , the other with percs and hats " the very fast sounds" so the wont interrupt each others. The problem that i am facing is on the output stage: when dialing a lot of notes by concretely one sound of my drumkit. Even if i choose to rout every sound of my drum kit to a single fx chain inside the sampler itself, the most " busy" or Buzzy line conquers the rest of sounds and pulls them to its own channel (The channel that goes for fast hats becomes the kicks and snare’s channels also, while at the same time the kick and snare disappear from their own channels = Hats out becomes the main out of all of the sounds of my drumkit when it plays a lot of fast notes).
I think i will need to explain it on a video lol .

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It’s downloadable now but I think it should be native to the software.

Other nice things to have.

Currently each pattern block in Renoise takes all the tracks within that pattern into account,I’ve been using other trackers recently that have a pattern per track system.This is a far more free and versatile system.Essentially the matrix system but with interchangeable patterns per track.For example pattern block 1 might have pattern 4 on track 1 pattern 2 on track 2 pattern 6 on track 3.Im explaining this arseways cuz im a dummy.Simplest way to explain it would be the Matrix pattern system on The Dirtywave M8 tracker,i believe this is based on the LSDJ system too.You could say just use phrases however these are clunky,hard to keep track of and tidy and also break the fast workflow this style of system has to offer.Its in my opinion a far more versatile and creative system while also SPEEDING up workflow.The image below is of the Dirtywave’s pattern matrix.This in conjunction with rotating patterns which i discussed on the forums before would be mind blowing.


Also i would still like to leave the pattern editor unchanged,this would require some clever thinking as a drawback on this style of matrix that i have seen so far is that you can not see each individual pattern running simultaneously, rather you have to click on each pattern to see the phrase contained within,this is completely at odds with Renoise’s current layout .I would hate to see that changed,rather i would like to see a clever workaround implemented.Maybe in the pattern editor just underneath each track’s header a hex pattern number which could be assigned?Something like that.Underneath or beside it you could also have a pattern rotate option indicating how many lines up or down the current pattern could be rotated.

You can use aliased patterns to achieve much of this workflow :slight_smile:

Aliased patterns?

Check out aliasing blocks. It’s handy! I use it s ton.


Yeah,I think you missed the point.Interchangable Patterns per track is essentially what I’m talking about,each one denoted by hex in the matrix,currently they are faceless blocks,if that makes sense For example you can’t click on say track 2 of a pattern block and change the pattern just like you can on the main block, that is to say scroll through different patterns with ease (per track)

No MIDI out in Redux though. Deal breaker for me

Oh, man, you get it right into the center.
I’m thinking about the same.
Incorporation of this concept will throw away other daws even more.

Redux user here. Best sampler plugin hands down. Would love to see an autoload/replace sample option for the disk browser. And slicing a sample without deleting every other sample in the sample pool. I would pay for Redux again for these two things!!!


CLAP support, not neccessarily for polyphonic modulation (since Renoise does not support that), but even just for performance improvement reasons (it was said that by switching from VST3 to CLAP, you can use the doubled number of Diva instances).


Rendering does not work as expected when using Line input devices (external sound sources). One has to record in takes and then use new empty tracks to fill with the Bounced audio samples before Rendering as a whole. Currently I’m resampling the Master track through my audio interface loopback routing. Basically recording my soundcard’s 1/2 out back into Renoise as a sample for preview.

Shortcut key for Render selection to Sample (real time) / (offline) option

I’d like to be able to click on Instruments and samples and add notes that pop up when hovered over.


I don’t want new fancy features atm. I think it would be great if the next version would focus on pure usability and ui improvements.



I’m confused what you’re trying to do, but I’ve successfully used Render Song to Disk with external inputs. That’s when I want to record everything as it’s been programmed “live” (i.e. the instrument receives midi from renoise, creates sound, then gets recorded via the line-in device). Have to be in Realtime mode though.

But maybe what you’re describing is just being able to render a phrase or pattern to a sample, when using a line input? In that case I totally agree – support for line-in recording that’s at the same level as VST render would be huge!