What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

Set the lower BPM limit to 1 or 0.0001 when Sync: Internal etc

Ableton Link is useful, but I don’t feel the need to set the lower BPM limit to 20.0000 when using Sync: Internal, etc. because that limit is not relevant.

I made a topic about this, but figured this is a good place to post it too. This suggestion was inspired by working in MS Excel.

Firstly by allowing us to set custom colors for various effect commands in an FX column. For example, set it so that all commands for an instrument macro device are orange (or some other custom color). That way you can see a large, busy FX column and know what each command is tied to at a glance. At the moment, you have to remember what device correlates to the first number in the command (e.g., 2xxx controls my filter on one track, but it’s 4xxx on another).

Adding to this, a comprehensive filtering tool for all of Renoise would be great for doing sweeping changes to targeted tracks. E.g., Press Filter Button > Filter for Tracks > Tracks w/ FX “example_text” (delay, inst. macro, whatever). Then Renoise highlights those tracks so you can easily identify which tracks are using these devices.

Finally, it’d be even cooler if we could customize what the filter actually does, like filter for all tracks containing the name “Bass” and solo or mute them. Imagine, you could set up for a transition by saying “Filter for all tracks not containing the name ‘Drum’, on Pattern 4, delete lines 96 - 127, insert OFF at line 96”. Bam, no need to manually delete and insert OFF commands, copy and pasting, etc. yourself.


a small detail that could be useful for tweaking the output signal path and hiding visual clutter


Master Modulation Chain for samples

I think this would be especially useful if there was a chain that every modulation set was routed too AFTER its own processing. Pretty easy to do in the FX section but not possible in the Mod Section AFAIK

Sorry for the double post but a sampler based synth is what I’m hoping for.

Drawing waveforms, generating them, etc, I’ve checked out some crazy native synth stuff on the forums and youtube. I figure using samples/waveforms as a sound source and adding functions to the mod/fx chain would put the sampler in a unique position where the individual samples are basically “oscillators” or “generators” but with the unique quality of being a sample. We’re this :pinching_hand:t5: close to that. It would seem like a pretty reasonable step forward.

So we get the added bonus of the phrases/pattern editor commands and all the cool stuff we can do with individual sample routing which is very reminiscent of most synth plugs.

I’m assuming other features like granular, sync, fm, etc in relation to other samples probably requires some super programming but it would be so sweet and uniform to have sample based instruments/slices/chops and sample based synths as xnri and easily shared.


A post was split to a new topic: Make the buttons on dialogs such as “Save changes?” focusable

if we continue to dream, it would be cool to add something like a container for scripts that could be a source of waveforms, and if in the effects section, then a programmable processing tool with a side chain connection. and this will help leave the renoise team alone for a while.

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hi. so i scripted these into Paketti… these are multiplatform, so Windows Linux macOS.
plenty of options.

unfortunately KeyBindings.xml is only saved on quit of Renoise, so these can’t be real-time / dynamic.

thanks for the original idea, @joul !

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I know it’s a pipe dream but true multi channel recording. As of now the sampler is limited to 2 channels at once. If the sampler could allow simultaneous recording of all channels in multichannel interfaces I could record my drum parts/breaks directly into Renoise. As it stands now I have to record into a traditional DAW and then painstakingly import and sync up each track into Renoise.


There are a lot of “jump to …” functions. I may have missed but it would be nice with - on midi input - a “jump to next note” function. Want to remember polyend tracker can do this…

My requests are modest!

  • I would like it if the mac version of Renoise had the correct fullscreen behaviour! Right now, the mac version doesn’t use the spaces functionality that has been in macOS since… well, a long time ago now! Instead, maximizing Renoise makes it fill the current desktop/space it’s in. Wheras, it should maximize itself to a new space - this is the expected fullscreening behaviour in macOS and it’s something of an inconvenience to have to create a new virutal desktop for Renoise to exist in.

  • Correct drag and drop behaviour for samples - it is something of a pain that audio drag and drop isn’t fully implemented in Renoise and this is probably my no 1 request! Right now, you can’t drag samples from the sample window or browser directly into plugins like Phase Plant, Amigo, etc… any plugins that allow you to drag and drop audio between them. Fortunately, dragging from plugin → instrument box does work, if you drag it onto a new instrument. But it doesn’t work if you try and drag directly onto the Renoise sampler window, and crucially… it doesn’t work the other way round, from Renoise → Plugin. There are a number of plugins that basically expect you to use this workflow so it being missing is definitely a bump in the workflow!

Thank you!!



I’d like to suggest adding the ability in Renoise to route audio from multi-instruments directly to Send tracks, bypassing regular tracks. This would help avoid unnecessary clutter in the project and make routing more efficient.

What do you think?

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And is it possible to make the lpb speed even lower (0.5 ; 0.25 etc)? Since this gives the opportunity to place different phrases one after another within one pattern while maintaining a convenient visualization.

Does anyone know what i’m talking about?

Is there a tool for this? I want to change note values on already placed notes. And when a midi-key is pressed it should jump to the next note, wherever that is placed.

Yep, I definitely like this suggestion, can we have this too? :smiley:

Also notable - the quick instrument controls under the instrument box offer a lot of things, but don’t seem to offer a channel selection for VST instruments - one of the most common controls I want to reach for! But I still gotta go to the plugin tab for it. If we could get that option in there…

Furthermore, when you add a VST alias, it’d be nice if it automatically rolled over to the next channel.

2 posts were split to a new topic: More UI scaling options (Scale Levels)

For the Spectrogram display, it would be useful if there was an option for it to show a different color palette to highlight the frequencies being contributed to the main mix by, specifically, the currently-selected Track.

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I think there’s a good chance we’ve only getting bugfix releases for the coming months and years.

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If I select several tracks, I can control them at the same time, volume, panning and other track parameterslike in any other DAW

this small feature is really missed in mixing and balancing tracks

I know it’s possible to do this with the alphanumeric keyboard in a Lua tool. Maybe it’s also possible for MIDI data entry, but I’ve never tried it.

If someone wants to build a tool, the function should simply locate the next note line and jump to it, looking at all note columns in the track, for all patterns.

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