this tool was formely known as “Rableton Dive” which was beta and never was released officially on the tools page. Now I finished a new version with Launchpad support and decided to rename it and finally deploy it on the tools page.
The primary purpose was to use it for remixing a song in a live performance. During the beta phase I got some great ideas of users and added also a recording option, so the tool also allows to record all changes, which makes it very easy to create a new song arrangement.
With Live Dive you can mix the tracks of different patterns of a song. Each track is represented as a clip (rectangle). If you click on a clip, it will be played or stopped dependent of the current state with the next start of the pattern. The clip on the most right side affects all clips of a pattern. This is quite the basic idea like in Ableton Live.
So practically, you can mix for example Tracks 2 to 4 of pattern A with the tracks 5 and 7 of pattern B, and with tracks 1,6 and 8 of pattern C, and so on. All combinations of track mixing are possible as you can load amd change any existing pattern into one of eight pattern slots at any time. So if playing live, you can create a song by joining your patterns very fast and synchronized with the beat.
It is also possible to record all clip actions and build up a new song in an fast and easy way. Everytime the currently played pattern is going to be changed, this means the user has hit a clip and the clip is flashing, the pattern is cloned and appended to the end of the song. Another option records every played pattern, regardless if there were clip actions or not. Finally you can clone the currently played pattern and append it to the end of the song.
How to:
- start Live Dive and play around:
- press on a clip to play it, press on a playing clip to stop it.
- the button on the right side will play all clips
- change a pattern in one of the pattern slots by clicking on it and selecting with the drop down box
- meaning of the colors of the clips:
- green: playing
- yellow-flashing: play next pattern;
- red-flashing: stop next pattern;
- black: empty clip/track;
- dark green: inactive
Launchpad Edition:
There is also a Launchpad Edition of this tool available. It supports every Launchpad model (Classic, S, Mini) and combines up to 4 Launchpads simultaneously. You can get it here:
Help & Instructions
(Latest version: 2.05)
added 1.2: Improved the pattern selection mode: There was a limit of 56 directly selectable pattern numbers for a pattern slot due to 7x8 buttons on the Launchpad. This is increased to 448 selectable pattern with the help of paging.
added 2.05: See feature list below
Download: (Latest version: 2.05 for Renoise 3.0+)
32 bit: on the tools page
64 bit:5417 de.cie-online.LiveDive.xrnx
(Old version: 1.1 for Renoise 2.8)
32 bit: on the tools page
64 bit: 3903 de.cie-online.LiveDive.xrnx
This video shows an example how to use Live Dive in a live setup. The tracks of different songs are mixed into each other (DJ-like, but being capable of mixing single tracks of a song to another):
More information in this thread:
- mix the tracks of different patterns of a song while playing
- play all clips of a pattern
- eight pattern slots: load and change the patterns to use
- record all clip actions, record everything or clone currently played pattern
- multiple Launchpads support: automatic detection of up to four Launchpads. This extends the visible amount of clips of a pattern.
- All features above available with buttons of the Launchpad, plus an extra pattern load function, to load a new pattern quickly into a pattern slot by pressing two buttons
New Features in version 2.03 (Renoise 3):
Instead of being bound to play and change one single pattern in a loop, you can now have multiple patterns, 2, 4, 8 or even 16 patterns in a sequence looped. In the following I will call those pattern sequences “pattern blocks”.
In order to adress a pattern block correctly, in the LiveDive user interface, the drop down box “Pattern” selection changed to “Song Position” selection. So the pattern sequence blocks reflect their song positions (not pattern numbers as in the version before).
Example: if you have a pattern block size of 4, the song is divided into sequences of 4 patterns: The first pattern block consists of the patterns at the song positions 4-7, the second 8-11, the third 12-15, and so on.
This improves the possibility of variation vastly, when playing live, as you do not need to have 1 pattern looped only.
- new preferences menue: Under Tools->LiveDive Launchpad Edition -> Preferences you can set the desired pattern block size.
- Live Dive song structure check on startup: when LiveDive is launched, the song structure is checked. If the song structure is not set up properly (e.g. if pattern block size is 4, the first 4 patterns must be looped in a sequence), a dialog appears which explains the needed song structure. Then there is an option to create a correct song structure automatically. This was a feature request by vV
- Pattern position indicator: a light that indicates the progress of the currently played pattern. So you have a visual feedback of the pattern position; might be useful in live situations for e.g. muting/unmuting tracks at the correct time.
green: < half of the current pattern is played
yellow: < 2/3 of the current pattern is played
red: > 2/3 of the current pattern is played - pattern load mode: selects a song position instead of a pattern number. Shows the currently selected pattern block in a pattern slot. Each pattern slot has a different color. (Launchpad version only)
New in version 2.04:
- fixed some bugs, mainly in the Launchpad version
New in version 2.05:
- fixed some bugs, e.g. the live recording did not work properly when the pattern block loop size was 1.