I’m not sure if this was suggested before (possibly so) but this is a feature I’d really want to see.
Yeah long missed feature…
You mean, render selected slots?
This can totally be scripted…It would need to bring up the rendering dialog though (something I personally wouldn’t mind, as I’d want to adjust the settings there and not just have it produce a single sample, always).
Would also be nice to see as a native feature. It’s consistent: right-click pattern, render to sample, right-click matrix, render to sample…
yes please.
You mean, render selected slots?
This can totally be scripted…It would need to bring up the rendering dialog though (something I personally wouldn’t mind, as I’d want to adjust the settings there and not just have it produce a single sample, always).
Would also be nice to see as a native feature. It’s consistent: right-click pattern, render to sample, right-click matrix, render to sample…
Yes, slots or patterns, it’s the same.
The idea behind my suggestion is that some sequences span over multiple patterns, and this cannot be solved by rendering each pattern indidivually and then combining them. For example if there is a delay/reverb effect that goes over the next few patterns, just like the yellow slots in my OP pic.
This is why a native solution is the way.
The API render function can indeed render across several patterns. I see no big reason not to script it. Let me have a go…
The API render function can indeed render across several patterns. I see no big reason not to script it. Let me have a go…
Wow looking forward to this.
I though about scripting it
then i said myself - if it would be possible, somebody have done it before
so i didnt learn LUA…
Thank you Joule!
7021 joule.no0b.RenderSlotsToSample.xrnx
Questionmarks below. Let me know if I should fix these:
Mutes sends when rendering. Should affected sends be left unmuted? (otherwise the result will be silent when a track has a “mute source” send)
Should any track OFF states be temporarily un-OFFed while rendering?
PS. I just tidied up the code a little bit. No need to redownload…
Works flawlessly here. Great job joule!
If it’s really important, I could make a GUI for it. That takes twice the time though
Works flawlessly here. Great job joule!
nicely done!
The way I thought about this (although this isn’t massively important by any stretch) is because you can make arbitrary selections of tracks in the pattern matrix i.e.
Attachment 7023 not found.
I would’ve built at the end of the song the selected patterns (with cleared unused tracks.) Then render those patterns out i.e.
Attachment 7024 not found.
But I tend to think about things the slow tedious silly overly complicated way
I’ve tried programming a crude hacky untested example of this…
…would freezing options make sense with matrix slot rendering? B) Have the selected slots rendered to separate wav’s , have these .wav’s inserted in the concerned patterns replacing the old note-events, have any track fx muted for the duration of the freezed slot. It would be like the render to slice tool, but work on matrix selections instead of pattern editor selections .
You mean fill any “holes” in a non-consecutive selection with empty patterntracks, so that reverb/delay tails are heard? Yeah, It’s possible but quite specific and hackish. If you want it to be totally predictable you’d have to temporarily edit the song data, which doesn’t feel very good to me.
(Remember it’s not enough to just temporarily replace a sequence to an empty one, since other things might happen in other selected tracks at the same time. So you have to copy patterntracks to a temporary sequence in a relevant manner…)
Questionmarks below. Let me know if I should fix these:
Mutes sends when rendering. Should affected sends be left unmuted? (otherwise the result will be silent when a track has a “mute source” send)
Should any track OFF states be temporarily un-OFFed while rendering?
PS. I just tidied up the code a little bit. No need to redownload…
Nice work dude! For some reason it gave me pure silene when I rendered a few consecutive patterns in my latest track. At first I thought that it can’t handle the *Instr. Macros and a Dub Delay VST that were in the effect chain but on the 3rd attempt it rendered successfully. Still baffled about the silenece thing.
Keep searching for errors and report! The most common “unexpected” behavior I’ve found is that tracks may be silent if you route 100% of them to a send. I guess that’s how it should work, but it can easily fool you.
You mean fill any “holes” in a non-consecutive selection with empty patterntracks, so that reverb/delay tails are heard?
No sir, I wouldn’t take it to that level.
I like to buy a coffee for people who cares sharing their work like that. Where are your paypal “buy me a coffee” button, generous guys like joule, Danoise, dBlue. ? You’re always there with your mighty solutions…
A “thanks” shout.