February 5, 2011, 11:42am
In random order:
Latest release:
— >8 —
After using Reason for a couple of years, I’ve amassed copious amounts of REX2 loops. I actually kinda like the format, as you don’t need to cut it up by hand and it comes with precise timing data (not as precise as Renoise, though [;)] ). Anyway, right now, when I want to use those loops, I load Kontakt in Renoise, open the loop in Kontakt, map the slices to individual notes, and export them using Renoise’s awesome “Render plugin to instrument” feature. It works, but i…
Download and install the attached XRNX tool: 1487 com.renoise.LiveSynth.xrnx
Download and open the attached XRNS song: 1480 synth.xrns
play the song
Go to sample editor and watch for Instrument 00 - sample 00, called “Synth destination”.
note: it is recommended to turn off sample editor undo even when running the simple LiveSynth script
quoting manifest.xml:
This script will scan any loaded song for:
- an instrument called "Synth";
- inside this instrument, samples which have…
I often end up in patterns which start off-beat, and fixing those off-beat patterns is quite a pain in Renoise.
Heres a small tool which makes that easier by rotating pattern content: Shifting content up and down, wrapping at the pattern borders. Either whole patterns, a single track in a pattern, or selections in a pattern can be shifted. Automation optionally can be rotated as well.
There are also keyboard shortcuts to quickly rotate rotate selections in a pattern.
This is an odd one - I guess I like them weird [:)]
1491 [ReversePlayback-screen.png]
In the pattern editor context menu you can now “Reverse Playback”. While active the playback position will skip back two steps for each step taken, as a result we will run our renoise song backwards.
Keybinding is at: Global:Transport:Reverse Playback
1866 ReversePlaybackV02.PNG
ReversePlayback uses a column in the pattern editor if it is named “Playback-Automation”. You can use this column to direct your …
Pattern Resizer
5141 [dblue-pattern-resizer-tool.png]
Brief description:
This tool allows you to resize (expand or shrink) a pattern to any arbitrary length ranging from 1 to 512 lines.
Context menu: Pattern Editor > Pattern > Resize
Key binding : Preferences > Keys > Pattern Editor > Pattern > Resize
Note delays will be calculated and adjusted automatically. Effect commands and automations will also be repositioned to match as closely as possible, but the effect values the…
2.8 release, testing appreciated:
–version 1.31
–updated for 2.8
–New range of selection in sequencer added
2.7 version on tools page:
Ok, got a bit of time to tinker with the scripting again.
Just a small beta update adding a new range selector to the GUI. i.e. you can now specify a range of patterns to apply clearing to.
Will go on tools page shortly.
Version 1.0 now up with keybinding/menu entry now acting as a to…
On Tools page:
Tools Page
Uploaded to tools page, please note new but similar keybindings and menu entries:
Another simple one to bypass an advanced edit operation I do often:
e.g. when you want to double a lead:
You copy and paste the section you want from one track to the next.
Now you want the instrument numbers updated
While on the new track, make sure you have your target instrument selected in the renoise instrument box.
Press the shortcut, and all the notes in the current “track (…
Tools page
Main Keybinding: "Note Off Tool"
The main GUI is for the note-length part of the tool.
Set the “Length in Rows”, and note-OFFs will be applied after every note that distance away. The tool clears the previous note_OFFs first.
i.e. you control the lengths of all the notes in a “Track in Pattern” at once.
If you set the rows to zero all noteo-OFFs except the first in each column will be cleared.
Extra Short-cuts :
"Add Note-Offs To Empty Cells in Row"
This tool supercedes all my currently released tools. This means the following tools won’t be developed any further and will be discontinued in their current state. This doesn’t mean they are lost though, all the functionality is integrated into this new tool now, which makes it easier for me to maintain since they are all related to the mixer, hence the change.
Mixer Snapshots
Show Automated And Modulated Sliders In The Mixer
Set Track Delay In Samples
This new version is a total rewrite …
Hi all,
I thought it would be interesting to have a go at implementing additional file format support through the Lua API.
Attached is a simple example which allows Renoise to import and export samples as Akai MPC 2000/3000/4000 ‘SND’ files.
I chose this format only because I could find both a file format specification and example SND files on the 'net. I do not own an MPC to try the exported SND files upon so I cannot test if they are valid. However, hey can be read back into Renoise with th…
Some tools are stated to be Alpha, perhaps they don’t belong on the tools page just yet, but the reference should be gesture enough in the hopes to motivate the author to continue the project or submit an update about the current status